
The recommended poster size is A0 portrait

Computer programs

We recommend to all participants to bring their own laptops MAC or PC for the workshop. The tutorials requiring special software solutions are listed below.

  • The Bingo-Antidote tutorial will require either MATLAB (7.5 release R2007b or more recent releases) or its free alternative OCTAVE (version 4.4 or more recent: Windows binaries; Octave for macOS).
  • Compiled versions of Theriak-Domino (macOS and Windows) will be provided to the participants


The participants are strongly encouraged to bring images of their own sample and/or thin sections if they want to get feedbacks from any of our speakers. The following aspects will be discussed during the tutorials:

  • Preparing an adapted strategy for accessory mineral analysis
  • Assessing the presence of melt inclusions
  • Modelling of complex samples including local equilibria and open systems

A few microscopes will accessible throughout the workshop and many during the poster session on Wednesday.